
Faster, Purple Worm! Everybody Dies, Vol. 1

Created by Beadle & Grimm's Pandemonium Warehouse

Official Adventure Book based on the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Adventures show. One-shot adventures for a party of 1st-level characters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank you!!!
4 days ago – Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 12:01:43 PM

You are amazing

We are excited, touched, and honored by the support for this project. We're aware that a book of TPK adventures isn't exactly... normal... but apparently neither are three thousand, three hundred, and seventy six of you! :)

We have a lot of work to do. All the adventures are written (well, 15 out of 16 I guess) but there's layouts to complete, art to commission, stat blocks to build... it's work, but it's joyous work that we're excited to focus on.

Captain Samira approves of your efforts.

We'll also be finalizing the Kickstarter pledges and setting up our pledge manager in BackerKit over the next few weeks. Once we have everything set up and ready to go, we'll send out a BackerKit Survey to all of you to confirm your pledges, add anything else you want to add, choose sizes for t-shirts, give us your shipping address so we can calculate actual shipping rates - and anything else that needs to be done in order to get your books out to you by June 2025!

Benny the Butcher does not approve. But when does he ever?

Around that same time we'll send out the ballots to determine the cause of death... err, "story"... for adventure #16.

Thanks again from all of us. These Kickstarters are the literal lifeblood of a small company like ours, and we cannot exist without your support, trust, and enthusiasm. We are all deeply grateful.


Bill, Charlie, Jon, Matt, and Paul

Or more accurately: Paul, Matt, Bill, Charlie, and Jon. And somebody's truck.

5 days ago – Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 12:12:08 PM

We've reached our stretch goal!

Thanks so much for getting us to our $216K stretch goal. Now everyone who backed us for a physical book will receive an exclusive 16th adventure in electronic format no later than March 31, 2025. (We will not be including it in the physical book as we do not want to hold up production.) 

And the best part is - you get to help us create it! After the campaign is complete, you will get access to a survey where you can vote on the key elements of the story. We do want to set expectations for this. Even though it's free, this adventure will still be a licensed product of D&D Adventures. It will still be a fantasy adventure set in the D&D world, and it cannot violate anyone else's intellectual property. (So, sorry, but no Scrappy Doo.) The voting will be done with multiple choice options so we can be sure to deliver a high-quality adventure that everyone can play and enjoy.

Help us celebrate tonight!

With less than 24 hours left in the Kickstarter, it's time to celebrate our collective success with you! Join us for the last Kickstarter watch party tonight at 6p PST to watch "Everybody Dies in a Dungeon", a fantastic episode from season 1 featuring Rekha Shankar, Jason Azevedo, Kate Welch, Bonnie Gordon and Jason Charles Miller. This episode has one of our favorite improvisational twists, AND features our own Matthew Lillard as the Big Bad. Matt, Rekha and Jason will all join us for the watch party to share their stories about the production, as well as whatever madness happens to be on their minds. It's going to be a great time!

Thanks again for your support. We're hoping for a strong finish, so any help in spreading the word will be greatly appreciated!


Bill, Charlie, Jon, Matt and Paul

Watch the Glass Cannon Podcast Take on Faster, Purple Worm!
7 days ago – Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 10:27:11 AM

Dear Purple Worm Backers!

Thanks to all the excitement and enthusiasm you've generated through this Kickstarter Campaign, our friends at the Glass Cannon Podcast couldn't resist the temptation to join in on the fun and try to help us hit that last stretch goal of a 16th adventure!

Watch Matthew Lillard on a very special episode of the Glass Cannon Podcast as they play an adventure from Faster, Purple Worm! Everybody Dies, Vol. 1! DM Troy Lavallee takes one of the adventures from the book and leads his friends on an epic quest towards certain death!

Tell your friends to come watch and join the fun!

Monday Sept. 23rd 8PM ET/5PM PT on Glass Cannon's YouTube Channel

Thank you all for your support!
Beadle & Grimm's Pandemonium Warehouse


Final Stretch Goal Revealed! 16th adventure at $216K!
8 days ago – Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 04:02:46 PM

It's the home stretch (goal)!

We're in the final days of our Kickstarter, full of thanks for all of your generous support. To close it out on a high note, we're adding one last stretch goal.

If we reach $216K, we will create a brand-new, 16th adventure. This will be a Kickstarter exclusive, provided FREE to all physical book backers as a PDF no later than March 31, 2025. (We will not be including it in the physical book as we do not want to hold up production.)

But here's the best part: you get to help us create the story!

After the campaign is complete, we'll send out a survey that allows you to vote on the key components of the adventure: Where is it set? What's the quest? Who is the big bad? Once we've tabulated your votes, the adventure will be written by the Beadle & Grimm's team and emailed out to you early next year.

Let's get to $216K and create the 16th story together!

Thanks again,

Bill, Charlie, Jon, Matt and Paul

Moonlight Maps delivers!
9 days ago – Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 05:58:10 PM

The latest stretch goal is taking shape

Thanks again for getting us past the $180K stretch goal! As you know, this unlocked two new full-color maps from the brilliant cartographers at Moonlight Maps. Both maps will appear in all versions of the book as full-page inline maps, and both will be delivered as digital assets to all book backers. Additionally, the pair will be included as full-size scaled-to-minis battle maps with our Alt Cover Edition.

Partial images of both maps as works in progress are included below. The first is the throne room from "Everybody Dies in a Dungeon" and the second is the secret nightclub from "Everybody Dies in the Eye of the Beholder." Hope you love them as much as we do!

And please check out the Moonlight Maps Kickstarter running now!